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Amazon website is discriminating

If you are selling on Amazon, and your product is genuine, and there is another seller of the same product, if he is selling a average product and is selling it at a lower rate, Amazon will sell only its products. then Amazon will not sell your product. You can't keep selling your product.

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Tag:Amazon Business, Idoneità
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Amazon website is discriminating

If you are selling on Amazon, and your product is genuine, and there is another seller of the same product, if he is selling a average product and is selling it at a lower rate, Amazon will sell only its products. then Amazon will not sell your product. You can't keep selling your product.

112 visualizzazioni
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Tag:Amazon Business, Idoneità
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Amazon website is discriminating

di Seller_ALLQlbHTzhYBR

If you are selling on Amazon, and your product is genuine, and there is another seller of the same product, if he is selling a average product and is selling it at a lower rate, Amazon will sell only its products. then Amazon will not sell your product. You can't keep selling your product.

Tag:Amazon Business, Idoneità
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